Thank You for Developing with Yodify

By accessing or using the Yodify API, including within a software application, website, tool, service, or product you create or offer to Customers (your "Application"), you are agreeing to these terms and to comply with any accompanying documentation that applies to your use of the Yodify API License and Terms of Use ("API Terms") and the Yodify Website Terms of Use ("Terms of Use") with Yodify, Inc. and its affiliates ("Yodify", "we", "us", or "our"). You represent and warrant to us that you have the authority to accept these API Terms on behalf of yourself, a company, and/or other entity, as applicable. We may change, amend, or terminate these API Terms at any time, so please check back for any modifications that may affect you. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency among the Terms, the Yodify Partner Program Agreement, or the Yodify Terms of Use, the API Terms shall govern to the extent necessary to resolve such a conflict or inconsistency. Your use of the Yodify API after any change or amendment means you agree to the new API Terms. If you do not agree to the new API Terms or if we terminate these API Terms, you must stop using the Yodify APIs.