We Love Our Partners

The Yodify Partner Program contributes to everyone's growth and success by fostering innovation and enhancing a strong and supportive community.
You're Important to Us
The Yodify ecommerce and catalog platform was designed and built specifically to empower our customers and partners, and provide a unique, feature-packed platform to cultivate growth, diversification, and success. We value our partners and we focus our resources on supporting the Yodify Partner Program by continuously innovating all aspects of the platform.
Expanded Reach and Market Penetration
Our partners, who include developers, marketers, designers, and affiliates, use the Yodify platform to support and enhance their customers success. Yodify specializes in empowering  partners and clients in geographically- and industry-diverse markets with a rich set of customization tools to enable them to engage online with virtually any product, no matter its level of sophistication.
Enhanced Product Offerings
Collaborating with our partners brings new features and customizations that enhances our partner's value proposition, providing  even more tools with which to satisfy their clients. Yodify provides partners with more attractive solutions with which to help their customers, enabling them to cater to a wider range of needs and preferences.
Annual Recurring Revenue
Our partners drive sales directly through referrals and by providing solutions that make the platform and the partner more indispensable to existing customers, thereby increasing customer lifetime value.
Customer Satisfaction
By offering a richer ecosystem of services, tools, and integrations through our partners, Yodify's platform, paired with knowledgeable partners, increases  customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Together we bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to clients everywhere
Innovation and Competitiveness
We're all about innovation and we understand our partners bring fresh perspectives, new technologies, and innovative solutions that keep the platform at the cutting edge. This continuous convergence of innovation helps the platform  and the partner stay competitive in a fast-evolving market.
High-Value Clients
Our focus on building strong, long-term partnerships enables our partners to expand their offerings and increase their client's capabilities and reach, while cost-effectively attracting and supporting more high-value clients.
Brand Strengthening and Credibility
We work with reputable partners who use the platform to enhance their brand and increase their market share. Successful partnerships serve as testimonials to both the partners and the platform's high value and reliability.
Community Building
The Yodify Partner Program fosters a community of loyal supporters who are invested in the success of the platform; our partner community provides valuable feedback and contributes to the platform's continuous improvement, which in turn helps grow our partners businesses and satisfy more clients the world over.
start from something great
Become a Yodify Partner
Joining the Yodify Partner Program is free, and it offers the opportunity to explore the Yodify platform and build an unlimited number of test stores. You will earn recurring monthly revenue from Yodify for each client that you successfully refer.
begin anew
Check out the Partner Agreement
The full terms and conditions of the Yodify Partner Program are available here.
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there's so much more to see
Looking for Incredible Functionality?
Features Created for Online Success
custom model numbers
Product Configurators
Yodify's industry-leading configurators open the door for your customers to spec out their products based on their application requirements. Build in restrictions, dependencies & more to make sure only real SKUs can be created. Add pricing to your configurator options for complete CPQ functionality.

Forget sifting through thousands of SKUs, or flipping through binders to find a specific model, with Yodify you can help significantly evolve your client's business today.
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customer specific pricing
Account Pricing & Net Terms
Help your clients with a seamless transition to online sales & quoting by providing virtually limitless customization for their customer accounts and unique discount levels. Add custom prices and terms for each of your clients' customers.
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curate your customer journey
Custom Product Visibility
Pricing & Product visibility controls let you curate catalog content for specific customers. Easily apply brand level controls, or get granular and manage catalog content on a product by product basis to determine who gets to see a particular product and/or price, and all with the ability to apply timelines with date control!

Always show pricing, Log in for pricing, show pricing only to account holders, or any combination there-of await to refine the customer journey even further.
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Become a Yodify Partner