Intelligent Catalog Structure

Yodify deploys a hybrid product-presentation structure, enhancing the accessibility and usability of your website. By utilizing Product Series to create and additional layer of organization and house relevant SKUs you decrease the time it takes for customers to source products in your catalog, while creating a more professional and streamlined online experience.
help your customers hone in
Hold Focus
When your customers don't need to sift through hundreds or thousands of pages of results to find the one item they need they are more likely to find their solution and proceed with a quote or order.
no compromise
Best of Both Worlds
Yodify deploys Product Series & SKUs simultaneously. SKU Pages exist alongside your Product Series pages to capture specific search results and deliver better SEO and in-website search functionality.
functional, and beautiful
Improved Appearance
Enhance your customers shopping experience and the cosmetics of your website.
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enhanced usablity & visiblity
The Perfect Marriage of Product Series and SKUs
A SKU-based catalog focuses on individual stock keeping units (SKUs), treating each variant of a product as a separate entity in the catalog, forcing customers to sift through dozens, or even hundreds of pages to find the one SKU they need. Ridiculous.

In contrast, Yodify groups all related SKUs of a product in one product-series page showcasing the entire range of variations as individual options within that product's page.

Yodify’s product-series catalog methodology is far superior to a singular SKU-based approach for online catalogs and e-commerce stores.
Why Structuring Your Catalog with Product Series, rather than Individual SKUs delivers better UX, and increases conversions.
Simplified User Experience
A product-series catalog simplifies the browsing experience. Customers can see all available options for a product in one place, rather than navigating through multiple pages for different variations.

One umbrella page allows customers to easily compare different variations of the product without switching between pages, facilitating decision-making.
Reduced Clutter and Enhanced Aesthetics
Product-series catalogs contribute to a cleaner, more organized website layout. Reducing the number of product pages can make the site more navigable and aesthetically pleasing, enhancing the overall shopping experience.
Enhanced Product Discovery
By consolidating related SKUs under a product series, customers are more likely to discover variations they might not have searched for independently. This can lead to increased awareness of the product range and potentially higher sales.
Efficient Use of Space
Showcasing related SKUs on a single product page is a more efficient use of space, allowing for more products to be presented in the catalog without overwhelming the customer or cluttering the navigation.
Customers can see all available options for a product in one place, rather than navigating through multiple pages for different variations
Better Inventory Visibility
A product-series approach provides better visibility into inventory levels for each variation, enabling customers to see at a glance which options are available or out of stock.
Streamlined Catalog Management
Managing a catalog based on product series rather than individual SKUs can significantly reduce complexity for the retailer. It's easier to update product information, manage inventory levels, and implement pricing changes when variations are grouped together.
A product-series approach can concentrate SEO efforts on a single page, potentially increasing its authority and ranking for relevant keywords
SEO Benefits
A product-series approach can concentrate SEO efforts on a single page, potentially increasing its authority and ranking for relevant keywords. In contrast, SKU-based catalogs might dilute SEO value across multiple pages, making it harder for any single page to rank well.

It reduces content duplication issues that can arise with SKU-based catalogs, where similar descriptions across multiple pages for related products can negatively impact SEO.
Cross-Selling Opportunities
Presenting all variations together facilitates cross-selling. Customers interested in one variation might be enticed by other options they see on the same page, potentially increasing the average order value.
While a SKU-based catalog might be necessary in specific contexts where product variations are distinctly different and warrant separate listings, for most e-commerce applications, a product-series catalog offers a significantly more streamlined, customer-friendly approach that enhances user experience, improve SEO, and simplify catalog management.
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Looking for More Incredible Functionality?
Check out some other features to empower your business
custom model numbers
Product Configurators
Yodify's industry-leading configurators open the door for your customers to spec out their products based on their application requirements. Build in restrictions, dependencies & more to make sure only real SKUs can be created. Add pricing to your configurator options for complete CPQ functionality.

Forget sifting through thousands of SKUs, or flipping through binders to find a specific model, evolve your business today.
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customer specific pricing
Account Pricing & Net Terms
Make the transition to online sales & quoting seamless by pre-populating your customer accounts and assigning their specific discount levels so they can check out with their pricing, and the terms you have established for each account.
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curate your customer journey
Custom Product Visibility
Pricing & Product visibility controls let you curate your catalog content to show only what you want, when you want to who you want. Easily apply brand level controls, or get granular and manage your content on a product by product basis to determine who gets to see what price or product, and when.

Always show pricing, Log in for pricing, show pricing only to account holders and any combination there-of await to refine your customer journey even further.
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